Member Services & Beyond: Census, Child Care and Rank-and-File Services

Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 09:00 AM

The New York City Central Labor Council, the New York Union Child Care Coalition, the Consortium for Worker Education and the United Federation of Teachers invite you to a panel discussion:

MEMBER SERVICES AND BEYOND: Census, Child Care and Rank-and-File Services

Labor Counts! Census 2020

In less than six months, New Yorkers will engage in the largest peacetime government project in the country. Together with part- ners throughout the city, Labor Counts! Census 2020 is helping build awareness and working to ensure all New Yorkers are counted.

The Child Care Crisis and Why Unions Should Care

For many union members child care is an important issue. However, they do not think of child care as a union issue. Let’s build awareness of how unions are taking on this issue in bargaining and advocacy.

Rank-and-File Services

This panel will review national immigration issues, Right to Counsel in New York City, and member services.

Registration is required. Register online at:


United Federation of Teachers
52 Broadway
19th floor
New York, NY 10004