Jobs and Economy
Years after the official end of the recent recession, America is still in a jobs crisis. Although job growth is slowly picking up steam--with steady private sector job creation--we still have a long way to go. Job losses came on top of decades of inadequate job growth, wage stagnation and growing inequality. The U.S. economy is increasingly imbalanced, with the top 1 percent holding more than 40 percent of the nation’s wealth.
The AFL-CIO is ready to work with anyone—business, government, investors—who wants to create good jobs and help restore America's middle class and challenge policies that stand in the way of giving America the chance to go back to work. The union movement is partnering with such organizations as the Clinton Global Initiative to find innovative ways to create good jobs that support workers and their families.
More about this issue:
Support our 700 brothers and sisters on strike in Waterford, NY. They've been walking the line for good jobs in their community since November 2.
Join construction workers and their allies as we call out Gilbane Building Company for their unscrupulous and unsafe practices as a general contractor.
We are targeting Gilbane at its job on 45 Park Place at Noon on Thursday, January 12th.
When purchasing gifts for your loved ones this holiday season, please refer to this guide produced by Labor 411
This week, Local 246 member Jomar Pichardo was recognized by the FDNY for saving the department roughly $700,000. Pichardo, who works to keep city ambulances up, running, and available 24/7 was able to find ways refurbish vehicle batteries and parts that would normally be discarded.
This week, TWU Local 100 announced an arbitration ruling that helps secure pension parity for more than 2,000 bus drivers.
On Tuesday, Novermber 29, we stood with fast food workers, Uber drivers, higher education employees, and airport workers to fight to increase wages for working people.
Join the CUNY Rising Alliance, a coalition of students, parents, unions and community organizations that are committed to strengthening CUNY, to kick off a campaign and elevate a Student Bill of Rights. CUNY Rising is organizing three ‘Call to Action’ meetings in November across the City.
Join the CUNY Rising Alliance, a coalition of students, parents, unions and community organizations that are committed to strengthening CUNY, to kick off a campaign and elevate a Student Bill of Rights. CUNY Rising is organizing three ‘Call to Action’ meetings in November across the City.