Civil and Workplace Rights

Working for the freedom from employment discrimination and the right of working families to fair pay, job safety, secure retirements and affordable health care have been goals fundamental to the union movement, which has long partnered with the civil rights and women’s movements and, more recently, with the LGBTQ community.

More about this issue:

Jul 10, 2013 | Press Release

New York, NY - New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, President Vincent Alvarez today released the following statement regarding the GAP's and WalMart's refusal to sign the International Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh:

Jul 10

Members of the District Council of Carpenters have been on strike against the Manufacturing Woodworkers Association.  The location of their picket line is below.  Please come out to show your support!

Jul 24

Join TWU Local 100 and Transit Forward to rally for safe, affordable, accessible and reliable transportation for all New Yorkers.

Oct 1, 2013 | News Story


Jul 2

Join our brothers and sisters from Teamsters Local 237 representing NYC Housing Authority workers as they rally on July 2nd, to defend good jobs, programs and services from devastating sequestration cuts.

Jun 25, 2013 | News Story

After nearly six weeks on strike, members of the Legal Services Staff Association, NOLSW/UAW Local 2320 (LSSA) Monday approved a contract that allows the employees of Legal Services NYC (LSNYC) to return to work representing New York City’s low-income communities.

Jun 26

Join the CLC and the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH) for a forum and panel discussion on a recent OSHA report which showed that non-union construction sites have been accounting for an increasing number of fatalities in New York City.

Jun 29

In the wake of the Rana Plaza building collapse that killed 1,127 and injured thousands
more, people throughout the world are calling on the companies profiting from worker
abuse to change the way they do business. Join the International Day of Action to pressure

Jun 13, 2013 | News Story

On Tuesday, June 12, thousands of City workers rallied at City Hall Park to demand fair contracts.

Jun 14

Fast Food Forward is organizing a rally in support of an extraordinary leader in the fast food organizing campaign, Gregory Reynoso, who was fired from Domino's several weeks ago. He was fired right after he led 18 of his coworkers out on a one-day strike.