Political & Legislative Action

NYC Labor Votes

Building on the Labor Counts! Census 2020 campaign from 2018-2020, Labor Votes! will focus on educating, engaging and facilitating union members’ and their households’ ability to cast their ballot during the 2020 and 2021 elections. Labor Votes! is the member-to-member political program of the NYC Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO.



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May 10, 2024 | News Story

This week, Mobilization for Justice (MFJ) Union members

May 3, 2024 | News Story

Presidents of the American Federation of Teachers, New York State AFL-CIO, New York State United Teachers, and United University Professions joined New York State Senate Labor Chair Jessica Ramos Thursday for a rally outside CUNY's Midtown headquarters organized by unionized faculty and staff of

May 3, 2024 | News Story

Management at The Second City has voluntarily recognized the UFT as the collective bargaining agent for all employees involved in instruction at their new NYC improv comedy center. This includes teachers, facilitators and cast members.

May 3, 2024 | News Story

On April 11th the Carbon Free and Healthy Schools Campaign held a lobby day before New York City Council Members.

May 3, 2024 | News Story

Around the world, workers’ lives, livelihoods and rights are under attack. Climate disasters and conflicts are displacing people from their homes, and are increasing risks for working people and all our families.

Aug 5

August 5-9: The 2024 Summer School for Women in Unions and Community Organizations will be held from August 5-9th at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The registration for this year's event will be available shortly.

Apr 26, 2024 | News Story

New York City workers, labor leaders, elected officials, and community members gathered yesterday at City Hall Park in Manhattan to mark Workers’ Memorial Day, honoring workers who have died or suffered illness or injuries while on the job in our City over the past year.

Apr 5, 2024 | News Story

This week, the Association of Legislative Employees (ALE) reached a tentative agreement with the NYC Council for its first-ever contract.

Mar 29, 2024 | News Story

On Wednesday, the Office of the New York City Comptroller and the NYC CLC hosted a Workers’ Rights Convening at the CUNY School of Law.