Job Safety

Following passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, safety and health conditions in our nation's workplaces have improved. Workers' lives have been saved and injury and illness rates have dropped in many industry sectors of the economy. However, too many employers continue to cut corners and violate the law, putting workers in serious danger and costing lives. Many hazards remain unregulated. The job safety law needs to be updated to provide protection for all workers who lack coverage and to strengthen enforcement and workers’ rights. It's our job to continue this fight for safe jobs.

More about this issue:

Oct 22, 2013 | Press Release

By Vincent Alvarez

Oct 29

Join Transport Workers Local 100 to Stand Up for a Fair Contract!

Oct 15, 2013 | Press Release

“Whether he’s been in Brooklyn fighting unnecessary hospital closures, or standing with union members fighting for fair contracts and better wages, Bill de Blasio has solidified his position as a true advocate for working people," said CLC President Vincent Alvarez.

Oct 4, 2013 | News Story

This week, the stagehands of IATSE Local One took to the streets to protest the union-busting tactics of the Carnegie Hall Corporation.  A deal between the union and Carnegie Hall Corporation was reached this afternoon.

Oct 2, 2013 | News Story

On Tuesday, Labor and community coalition “Transform Don’t Trash NYC” gathered at City Hall to unveil a new report, highlighting the need to reform waste collection throughout the City’s five boroughs.

Sep 28

Two car washes that have recently voted to join RWDSU are now fighting for their first contracts.  The managers have been harassing union supporters. Workers also have complained about health and safety conditions.

Sep 12, 2013 | Press Release

Voters Showed Up in Record Numbers To Support Labor's Endorsed Candidates