Political & Legislative Action

NYC Labor Votes

Building on the Labor Counts! Census 2020 campaign from 2018-2020, Labor Votes! will focus on educating, engaging and facilitating union members’ and their households’ ability to cast their ballot during the 2020 and 2021 elections. Labor Votes! is the member-to-member political program of the NYC Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO.



More about this issue:

Aug 26, 2022 | News Story

This week, the New York City labor movement once again showed that by working together, we can support pro-labor candidates at both the state and congressional levels. Our volunteers engaged thousands of union households through our member-to-member outreach in support of endorsed candidates.

Aug 26, 2022 | News Story

Dozens of Staten Island Ferry engineers who have been fighting for a pay boost are entitled to a higher wage, equivalent to what their private sector peers earn, a city administrative judge ruled on Tuesday.

Aug 26, 2022 | News Story

On Wednesday, President Biden announced a plan to wipe out significant amounts of student loan debt for tens of millions of Americans, by cancelling $10,000 in debt for those earning less than $125,000 per year and $20,000 for those who had received Pell grants for low-income families.

Aug 26, 2022 | News Story

Help is on the way for New Yorkers seeking a union job in the transportation sector. The Consortium for Worker Education and partners in government, labor, and business are launching a new workforce training program, New York City Pathways to Industrial and Construction Careers (PINCC).

Aug 19, 2022 | News Story

Approximately 30,000 NYSNA nurses have union contracts expiring on December 31, 2022, or in early 2023. This is the first time in New York state that so many private and public sector nurses will be bargaining for critical improvements to their profession and their patients at the same time.

Aug 19, 2022 | News Story

A majority of the dancers employed at the Star Garden Topless Dive Bar in North Hollywood this week filed a petition for a union recognition election with the National Labor Relations Board.

Aug 19, 2022 | News Story

On Tuesday, the 2.5 million member New York State AFL-CIO announced endorsements of candidates running for Congress, Senate and Assembly.

Aug 19, 2022 | News Story

Last week, the New York City Central Labor Council launched its first Common Sense Economics workshop. Participants were engaged in hands-on activities and learned about local campaigns like the CUNY Rising Alliance.

Aug 13

Early Voting for the Tuesday, August 23rd Primary Election runs from Saturday, August 13 through Sunday, August 21.


Find your pollsite, hours and view a sample ballot: https://findmypollsite.vote.nyc/

Aug 12, 2022 | News Story

For more than 10 years, Staten Island Ferry workers have been fighting for a new contract with the New York City Department of Transportation. This means that their wages and benefits have not changed since the last contract expired in 2010. This is unacceptable.