Political & Legislative Action

NYC Labor Votes

Building on the Labor Counts! Census 2020 campaign from 2018-2020, Labor Votes! will focus on educating, engaging and facilitating union members’ and their households’ ability to cast their ballot during the 2020 and 2021 elections. Labor Votes! is the member-to-member political program of the NYC Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO.



More about this issue:

Apr 8, 2022 | News Story

Over the past month, thousands of union members across NYC and the nation signed petitions, wrote letters and called our senators. And now…we celebrate!

Apr 8, 2022 | News Story

More than 50 nail salon workers, mostly immigrant women of color, gathered along with supporters in Zuccotti Park yesterday morning for a lively rally in support of the proposed New York Nail Salon Minimum Standards Council Act.

Apr 8, 2022 | News Story

Actors' Equity celebrated that the Biden-Harris Administration's proposed budget for FY2023 includes substantial funding gains for the NEA. Funding from the NEA supports arts programs in New York and all across the country.

Apr 8, 2022 | News Story

Organized labor did what it does best this week, standing shoulder to shoulder from the Bronx to Brookhaven during the State's Climate Action Council meetings this week.

Apr 8, 2022 | News Story

Earlier this week, The White House announced the Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure, which includes a grant program investing federal money in repairing outdated school infrastructure and replacing it with climate-friendly upgrades.

Oct 14

MAIL REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Section 5-210(3))
Applications must be postmarked no later than October 14, 2022 and received by a board of elections no later than October 19, 2022 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.

Jun 3

IN PERSON REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Sections 5-210, 5-211, 5-212)

Jun 3

MAIL REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Section 5-210(3))
Application must be postmarked no later than June 3, 2022 and received by a board of elections no later than June 8, 2022 to be eligible to vote in the Primary.