News Stories

Apr 12, 2024 | News Story
The NYC CLC and UFT recently hosted a Labor Women's Power Breakfast as part of our celebration of Women's History Month in March. The session, which took place at the UFT, included lively panel discussions facilitated by our moderator, NYC CLC Secretary-Treasurer and UFT Vice President for Academic High Schools Janella T. Hinds.
Apr 5, 2024 | News Story
This week, the Association of Legislative Employees (ALE) reached a tentative agreement with the NYC Council for its first-ever contract. The historic contract would cover approximately 382 Council employees, including all Council Member Aides within Members’ offices and Legislative Financial Analysts and Senior Legislative Financial Analysts within the Council Finance Division.
Apr 5, 2024 | News Story
Postdoctoral researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine have signed up more than 80% of coworkers on authorization cards, expressing support for forming a union with the United Auto Workers. Postdocs began their card drive in early March, following in the footsteps of thousands of researchers at Columbia University, Mount Sinai, and Weill Cornell Medicine who are already part of the UAW.
Apr 5, 2024 | News Story
More than 60 elected officials throughout New York have signed onto a letter by Sen.
Apr 5, 2024 | News Story
At a time of crushing childcare costs in New York City and around the country, the labor-backed Child Care Facilitated Enrollment Project is one bright spot for working-class families. New Labor Forum editor-at-large Micah Uetricht spoke to United Federation of Teachers vice president for Academic High Schools, NYC CLC Secretary-Treasurer and chair of the New York Union Child Care Coalition...
Apr 5, 2024 | News Story
As the climate crisis intensifies, its impacts are disproportionately felt by marginalized communities and working-class communities. In response, Cornell ILR Climate Jobs Institute has launched a new certificate program, “Climate Jobs: Building An Equitable, Resilient Clean Energy Economy.” Throughout this certificate, you will delve into the critical intersection of climate change, labor, and...
Apr 5, 2024 | News Story
Staffing shortages in the public sector are at crisis levels because of the recruitment and retention issues caused by Tier 6. It is critical that the State addresses this problem in the 2024-25 State Budget. Will you make a call to show your support for fixing Tier 6?
Mar 29, 2024 | News Story
On Wednesday, the Office of the New York City Comptroller and the NYC CLC hosted a Workers’ Rights Convening at the CUNY School of Law. This inaugural event built on the recent surge of workplace organizing campaigns and focused on building worker power, bringing together organizers and advocates from across labor, workers’ rights organizations, academia, and government to network and share ideas.
Mar 29, 2024 | News Story
On March 25, 1911, 146 workers—mostly young, immigrant women—were killed in a horrific fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory at Washington Place and Greene Street in lower Manhattan. Inadequate fire escapes, locked doors, and an overall disregard for worker safety contributed to the tragedy.
Mar 29, 2024 | News Story
The unionized staff of MFJ Legal Services are accusing MFJ Management of using union busting tactics as the legal workers wrap up their fifth week on strike. On Monday, union members confirmed that management has hired strikebreakers to replace some of the 109 unionized employees who have been on strike since February 23rd.