Civil and Workplace Rights

Working for the freedom from employment discrimination and the right of working families to fair pay, job safety, secure retirements and affordable health care have been goals fundamental to the union movement, which has long partnered with the civil rights and women’s movements and, more recently, with the LGBTQ community.

More about this issue:

Feb 10, 2023 | News Story

President Biden gave his annual State of the Union address Tuesday night. AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler weighed in:

Feb 10, 2023 | News Story

Labor and Civil rights leaders gathered Thursday night for the NYC CLC's annual Labor and Civil Rights event, a panel in which they engaged in a vibrant discussion of the role of the Labor Movement in the fight for racial, social, and economic justice.

Feb 9

Join us on Thursday, February 9, at 6:00PM for a panel discussion,

Feb 3, 2023 | News Story

Join us on Thursday, February 9 at 6:00PM for a panel discussion, live on Facebook, to discuss the role of the Labor Movement in the fight for racial, social, and economic justice, and the work that we

Jan 20, 2023 | News Story

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced that noncitizen workers who are victims of, or witnesses to, the violation of labor rights, can now access a streamlined and expedited deferred action request process.

Jan 6, 2023 | News Story

The MTA unfairly wants to reduce subway service on Mondays and Fridays because its wealthier suburban commuters are not coming into their Manhattan offices on those days. This will create longer waits and more crowding for millions of regular New Yorkers.

Dec 28, 2022 | News Story

In 2022, we’ve seen workers here and around the country rise up to take back their own power, demanding better pay, improved working conditions, and a voice in their workplace.

Dec 23, 2022 | News Story

Unsafe work speeds, unreasonable work quotas, dangerous work, and insufficient breaks all contribute to the skyrocketing rate of injuries and sickness in the warehousing industry, which is why the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) pushed for the introduction of the Warehouse Wo

Dec 9, 2022 | News Story

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is in a funding crisis. We need a fully funded NLRB to investigate unfair labor practices and conduct union elections.

Nov 11, 2022 | News Story

In this week's elections, working New Yorkers made their voices heard, voting in support of candidates who will stand up for working families and engaging voters one on one through our NYC Labor Votes! Campaign and the efforts of our affiliate unions.