
Advancing a Pro-Worker, Pro-Climate Agenda.


About Climate Jobs NY

We are a growing coalition of labor unions representing 2.6 million working men and women at the center of New York’s economy. We are committed to building a clean energy economy at the scale climate science demands, creating good union jobs, and supporting equitable communities and a more resilient New York.

Together we can #BuildBackBetter

We have a once in a generation opportunity to ensure that the path to a low-carbon future result in good jobs that provide family-sustaining wages and benefits for communities across the state.

Numerous studies have shown that there is major job creation potential from tackling the climate crisis, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and transitioning to a low carbon, sustainable economy.

The public investments we make now will be on a scale not seen since the Great Depression, and they will either further entrench our reliance on fossil fuels or put us on the path to a low-carbon economy. We need to make sure it's the latter. We also need to make sure that the jobs we create are good, family-supporting, community-sustaining jobs; we can’t afford to lose another decade of wage growth like we did coming out of the last recession. 

New York Offshore Wind

Read Governor Cuomo's press releases covering the procurement of Offshore Wind in New York State.

More about this issue:

Apr 16

This year's Organizing 2.0 Conference is taking place on April 16 and 17th online.

Mar 26, 2021 | News Story

The Department of Energy estimates that East Coast offshore has the potential to provide about 35 percent of power needs for the entire country by 2050, but that will require supportive policies and a politics to match, writes Brittany Gibson in The American Prospect.

Mar 26, 2021 | News Story

Building New York’s clean-energy economy will require efficient and effective energy transmission infrastructure. We will need to make significant updates to the grid, creating thousands of jobs and paving the way for tomorrow's economy.

Mar 19, 2021 | News Story

This week, Climate Jobs New York and allies issued the following statement on the PSC’s approval of the South Fork Wind Project’s cable landing: “As groups representing local civic, environmental advocacy, labor and the business community, we collectively believe that the advancement of offshore

Mar 5, 2021 | News Story

On Sunday, President Biden made perhaps the strongest public statement in support of the right of workers to organize that any American President has made in memory, denouncing

Feb 26, 2021 | News Story

CJNY's Education Fund hosted its first 2021 Long Island Climate Change and Offshore Wind Training in coordination with Cornell's Worker Institute.

Feb 12, 2021 | News Story

On the heels of a successful vote in East Hampton last month, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the

Feb 5, 2021 | News Story

The Biden administration has tapped New York's Amanda Lefton to serve as the new Director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).