Work and Family

Although the “traditional” family—a father who works outside the home and financially supports the children and a mother whose work is keeping the house and raising the children—has been disappearing for more than a generation, our workplaces and government policies have not kept pace with America’s new reality.

Most children are growing up in homes with both parents working or with single parents. One-third of workers don’t have access to paid sick leave, and only 42 percent have paid personal leave. What’s the impact on public health when working people can’t afford to take sick days during a flu epidemic? Who takes care of a sick child? Who’s home to fix dinner and help with homework? Who can dedicate time to a sick elderly parent?

The recession and jobless recovery have complicated life further for working families, when having to leave work for a family emergency could lead to long-term unemployment.

More about this issue:

Aug 31, 2018 | News Story

Saturday, September 8: The 2018 NYC Labor Day Parade is just around the corner! Join us on Saturday, September 8 ay 10AM at 44th Street & Fifth Avenue marching uptown to show the world that NYC Is A Union Town!

Aug 31, 2018 | News Story

A federal district judge in Washington on Saturday struck down most of the key provisions of three executive orders that President Trump

Sep 7, 2018 | News Story

Labor Day is a time to reflect on who we are as working people, what we’ve achieved together, and the challenges that lie ahead. When we organize, we make it possible for workers to demand family-sustaining wages, health care, retirement security, and a meaningful voice in the workplace.

Aug 28, 2018 | Press Release

“Blaming the MTA’s problems on its working men and women at a time when violent assaults on MTA employees are on the rise—Marc Molinaro should be ashamed,” said Vincent Alvarez, President of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO.

Aug 10, 2018 | News Story

State and Local primary elections are happening on Thursday, September 13, and registration deadlines are coming up fast. Make sure you're ready to vote on Election Day!

Aug 17, 2018 | News Story

For more than a year, Best Market workers have been coming together to voice their concerns about conditions in their stores. Low wages and benefits are not the only issues facing their families; healthy and safe stores are equally important.

Aug 17, 2018 | News Story

Members of the Thrillist Union with the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) voted on Monday to authorize a strike after meeting at the WGAE office for a Day of Action rather than reporting to work. 91% voted in favor of the strike authorization.

Aug 17, 2018 | News Story

Verizon workers represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions and at Verizon Connected Solutions voted last Friday to ratify a four year extension of their current contracts, which were set to expire in August 2019.

Aug 17, 2018 | News Story

DC 37 members voted overwhelmingly for a contract that provides for a total wage increase of 7.42 percent and preserves their premium-free health-care coverage with no givebacks. Members voted 31,133 in favor and 743 against the contract, an approval rating of 97.6 percent.